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The Tongue Tie & The Oath to Slavery

Soulwork Method

This past September, I paid attention to what the light codes were doing. Among the multitude of areas that were being worked on and many that we do not understand from our human perspective, I noticed that there was a key area showing up. My own experience was one where my throat, the root of my tongue, the TMJ joint were all feeling changes. Sometimes uncomfortable and downright painful as the energies coming in were creating a lot of movement in these regions.

Members of The Weekly Soulwork community were also commenting on moments of severe TMJ pain, painful lumps in the throat and more.

As I tapped in to what was going on, I saw that our tongues have been blocked right at the base of the tongue. Locked up and have been for tens of thousands of years. The lock was placed there so that we could not access certain levels of expression and certain levels of sound codes that would be needed to activate our own DNA and our own Source Codes within.

The phrase “Tongue Tied” popped into my head and I had a full remembering of what that truly meant. The tongues, our tongues were tied down so that we would be limited in accessing that tool at its fullest capacity.

The tie down or lock is different from the medical term of tongue tied and yet the medical version of tongue tie is actually a more severe expression of the tongue tie on a physical level. The medical version of tongue tied is where the frenulum under the tongue is so thick that it “ties” the tongue down affecting proper latch formation in nursing babies, speech formation and even proper chewing.

Just that week, a member of The Weekly Soulworks community mentioned how she just had surgery for tongue tie and the cutting of the frenulum from her tongue had created an immensely freeing experience. The timing of this surgery could not be overlooked.

Delving deeper into the tongue tied or lock showed me that it is something we agree to when we come here. Part of the many Oaths to Slavery we agree to in order to be born on this planet (more on this later). The tongue is locked down, restricting our expression to a great extent, more than we realize. Not allowing us to voice our Sovereignty and definitely not allowing us to voice our feelings of dissent or non-compliance in the ways that we would if we were in a full Sovereign state. Keeping us in slave mode. The tongue tie was a brilliant solution for that.

More importantly the locked tongue also puts pressure and restriction on the voice box, not allowing certain tones or amplitudes of sound to be created. And as mentioned earlier, these are part of our own Sound Activation of our DNA and Light Codes. The DNA has very unique vibrations of sound that it responds to and can turn genetic material on or off. This is something that we are getting prepared to access in a much greater way. The light codes this past month have done a wonderful job in starting to give us more access to various sound creating abilities with our own voice.

The sounds are also ones we can use for our own self-healing and repair. Sound healing has been an ancient tool used for healing the body and emotions and now we are beginning to access those healing techniques from within our own physical body. Our own voice is uniquely tuned to our tissues, cells and DNA. It is perfectly designed to be an instrument for your own physical body.

This is a beautiful time to start playing with this and accessing your own inner knowing around the sounds, tones, and pitch that your body may ask of you to assist in it’s regeneration and evolution. Play with this, practice with your voice and you will get more of your own remembering back.

Much love always and in all ways,




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