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The Energetic Bodies of the Light Body & their importance

Soulwork Method

The light bodies are made of a number of different things. Here you can see the subtle bodies, there's seven subtle bodies that we have surrounding our physical body. So I'm going to start with those and explaining what those are.

The first one is the closest to our actual physical body. So the first one here is the etheric body, this one is literally like a quarter of an inch off of your physical body up to a couple inches. The closer these fields are to our body, the lower their density becomes because they have to be able to connect with our physical form. Our physical form, obviously, is much, much denser than something that's just light, right? So the closer they are to our physical body, the lower their vibration to be more of a match to communicate with our physical body.

The etheric actually comes in first before our physical form is even made. It also holds info in terms of our actual physical well being and our health. So we're going to eventually learn how to be able to utilize the information in here to fix our own physical health issues. This one has the lowest cycles per second, compared to all the different energetic ones.

The one next to that one is called the emotional body. This one's about three inches out, it's this orange one (see video). This one is where you hold your emotions. You don't actually hold your emotions in your mind, you hold them in your energetic bodies. Depending on the type of emotions you're having, this one will change colours. This one is made of out of different rainbow colours, and the colours will change according to your emotional state, kind of like a mood ring. So if you're feeling really negative, and you're having a lot of negative emotions, it will be darker coloured. If you're feeling more happy, it also will become more dull in terms of its hue.

The third one is the mental body. The mental body is about three to eight inches out from your physical body. This is where we hold our thoughts. Our thought forms are actually created in the mental body, they're not actually created in your mind. Our mind is kind of like a conductor of information. So with this one, you know, this is where also we can get downloads of ideas, right? So ideas or imagination, all of that happen in this here mental body, and then that information comes through and gets denser and denser until it comes to our mind. Then we can process it linearly.

These three, the mental, the emotional, the etheric bodies are much more involved with our physical operations. The fourth body that I've got here in pink (see video), the astral body, is where we actually start to connect more with the spiritual realms. This one is about a foot out from your physical form. This is our bridge between our physical realm and the energetic world. So you know the astral body, you've probably heard of astral projection, right? So the astral dimension or density or frequency is used for astral projection for people who know how to do that. We do that sometimes in dream state, we go out and using the frequency in this field to sometimes go out into the astral plane. So with this one, it also is involved in creating out of body experiences, and quantum field jumping. So some people really know how to use those quantum fields and jump to different quantum fields and that's when their astral body is very active. So it's really actually closely tied to our emotional body. Sometimes it will take on the same colour depending what we're experiencing in our emotional body. The astral body is usually like a pinkish hue when we are in a higher vibrational state of love.

The next one is the etheric template body. This one is about two feet out. It's a deep blue in colour. This one is the blueprint for your physical body, this etheric template, and it's involved when we activate this one, we can create some very deep healing for our physical body. It is also the part of our energetic field that connects us to parallel lives in parallel universes. So as a soul, you know, our soul is multi-dimensional, our soul has many incarnations of us in different parallel lives are different parallel universes. And you know, it's not just the soul connected to this one life that we're having. Now, in our human form here, we're having many, many different parallel lives and parallel universes on many different Earths or even many different kinds of planets. So it's this etheric template that helps connect us to all those other parallel aspects of us. I know that's probably quite a mind bend. But that's the level of our auric field that connects with that.

The next one, the sixth one here in yellow (see video) is the celestial body. This one, really, when it's really activated, it really connects us to the divine. It works through our heart chakra. It really is one of the bigger parts of this whole piece that connects us to the spiritual realm, in terms of aligning us more to our universal truths and to our soul. When it's really activated, you go into a blissed state, and an unconditional love state. So whenever you're in that state, know that your celestial body is really lined up at that time. It tends to be in shimmering opalescent colours.

The last one, the seventh one is the causal. This one is very different, it's actually quite a bit further out. It's more egg shaped and it comes in a more of a bright gold colour. It's the highest vibration of all of our subtle bodies, simply again, because the further we go out, the higher the vibration becomes of the energetic bodies. When this one becomes activated, that's when we go into a real integration of oneness, not just a logical understanding of oneness, but a full on experiential understanding of what oneness is, and that we're all one with source. And we're all connected. Whether we're on this planet, or another planet, we're all connected. We're one with the universe. So this one also holds all the information of all of the incarnations we've had. It takes that information to the new life you're having. So it will provide that information for us in any kind of new incarnations that we're going to have going forward.

When it comes to the activation, these are the subtle bodies. Then we have the chakras, which most people are familiar with, we have the seven chakras. Those are also part of our light body anatomy. Also, there's a pranic tube route that goes right from in the center of our body. So right in between the front of our torso and the back of where our spine is, right in the center of our body, we have a column of light that goes right up from the top of our crown, right down the center, down through the perineum, and out into the ground. That column contains light. It contains light from the light bodies, and it brings that light in fully to the inside of our physical body.

Now, when it comes to these fields, you know, this is a very linear, two dimensional way of looking at them, but think of them to as colourful vapors like gaseous vapors that kind of move around, shift, sometimes they even blend in with each other a little bit and then blend out again. So think of it that way. Like almost a gaseous vapor that moves back and forth, we just don't have the ability to see them yet with the way our eyes are. But people who do a type of photography called Kirlian photography, will take pictures, and you'll be able to see some of the colours of these fields photographs.

We hold a lot of our stuff in our emotional body, in our mental body and in our etheric body. So the picture that I had shown a little while ago, I've shown in one of my blogs I've written about how you carry blocks of emotional trauma that create patterns and behaviour systems going forward, you're holding them and they create bubbles of separated energy in those in those subtle bodies, okay? So you'll have your etheric field or your mental field, but then there will be these bubbles of stuff that's a heavier density because it's holding emotions from some childhood experience or you know, some negative event that happened to you. Then it'll be held as different bubbles in those fields, okay. They will become dark bubbles of heavier, denser energy. When you have those heavier, denser energies in the fields, they will not let some of the light through that needs to come through in those different hues and colours of those fields.

So what happens is when we're born is the light bodies will actually transmit their light down into the ones that are closer to our physical bodies. The combination of the etheric, the mental body, the emotional body. So just imagine that this is a whole combination of them. So the light bodies will send the higher vibrational light bodies like the celestial body, the causal body, etc. They will shine their light down to the bodies that are closer to our physical body, and then these bodies will take those light codes coming in and transmute them into energy into a lower frequency. That will then be taken in by our physical body. When an infant is born, these are not very developed yet. As the embryo is being formed in utero, these lights are coming in, and they're actually forming the physical shape of the physical body that's going to be born. So they send all the light codes, the blueprint of what this physical form is going to look like, those light codes get sent in, and then they get sort of transmitted, they mutate in a way where it can actually turn into a physical incarnation of a human being. I thought that was really cool. So that's how it works from our energetic world. That's why babies that are left in those orphanages where they have no connection to any kind of human touch really, or human nurturing energy do not develop past a certain point, it's not because their muscles don't have the ability to or the neurons don't have the ability to, but we need grounding. When we're babies and we are developing our physical form, we actually need these energies to be grounded to allow them to come into us. So that's actually the role that mom and dad play.

We have so much stuff in our bodies because we have so much stuff in our fields, so much of our own emotional stuff, the codes that need to come in get stuck. So what's happening is that our light bodies are getting certain types of codes coming in now, that we can actually start to dissolve these big blocks that we have. We are going into a state where the blocks are are slowly starting to dissolve become lighter. As a result, more of these energetic codes and the light codes are coming through. As these dissolve, what's happening is that programs, patterns or experiences that we have that we don't really remember, or we don't even consciously realize that this is going on. So a lot of the stuff that's in our subconscious is coming out and now it's coming to the surface and to our consciousness. As it does that, you're going to feel the emotional aspect of it. But you're also going to feel the physical, the real physical aspects of it. So if you're holding something in the groin (as many of you currently are), and that psoas muscle. The psoas muscle has a real connection to our soul. So the groin pain especially on the left side, because the left side is the feminine side, the nurturing side because whatever that block is in that area, it's being bombarded with light, okay. So it's going to feel sore, it's going to feel like you've worked out or you've pulled the muscle, and that could happen anywhere. Then as the light codes dissolve it enough and they can come through, you won't feel it anymore. So that's what's happening when you're having those kinds of moments.



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