When I attune to the trees or to nature, whenever nature is going through a period of harm, like when we had a huge ice storm here, I think it was about 10 years ago. Many of the trees fell, and many of the trees were damaged. I was walking through a park and I could feel their energetic connections with each other, and how they were energetically supporting each other through it, and energetically, giving each other even nourishment through their roots underground. They have quite a support system. This planet has an amazing support system. There's different aspects that you can tune into.
Nature's gonna do what it needs to do. But at the end of the day, we need the trees more than they need us. They need each other. If you're feeling like helping the trees, ask them what they would like from you?
Nature always finds a way to rebalance itself. It always does, right, whether there's a huge forest fire, whether a volcano goes off, nature has always found a way to rebalance. What I find is that nature wants us to learn to connect with it again, which was our original organic blueprint design. Our original organic blueprint design was to really be in communion with nature, and merge with nature in a way that we lost. Some of the indigenous tribes still know how to do that. Hence, they're able to talk to the plants and know that this plant does or that plant does.
Wouldn't it be amazing if we could communicate with the trees more? We need it to be a two way street and start that dialogue with them rather than just sort of looking at them like they're beautiful and walking away.
The planetary mother, which we need to connect to still, who has been kind of cast aside. She is the main player of this planet in terms of aspects of its consciousness. What has taken over is the consciousness of Gaia. Gaia is the more masculine aspect of the consciousness of this planet. Just like everything on this planet, the female is getting pushed aside and the male kind of energies have taken over, the sort of masculine way of doing things and pushing through rather than the balance of the two. So connecting with the planetary mother will help to bring that through and and allow that type of energy to come into us because then that nurturing side, the caretaking side, the custodian guardianship side that we all have a responsibility of, of being here on this planet, right? This planet is what we're made of. We're also here to be custodians and guardians of this planet. Like that's sort of our agreement when we come here, and we haven't been doing that to a very good degree.
Allow yourself to look at any aspect. When you do that, you will probably start to find that your connection with the trees and with the planetary mother starts to shift as well. In the meantime, we will also work with connecting with the elementals and connecting with the planetary mother to allow that nurturing energy to to come back into its proper balance the balance of the natural world and I've talked to water in the past because I connect to the water elemental very easily and said, Why do you create such destruction there? It's not us, we're being controlled by other frequencies.
So that's just going to be part of this whole thing that at the end of the day, it still comes back to the fact that we need to do the work within us to become these multi dimensional beings. Then we can shut this thing off like that. If we try to take care of this from our idea of this little human, it's going to be a whole other challenge. I mean, we can still do what we feel drawn to or inspired to do for nature. Right from our lives here, we don't have to ignore it. But at the end of the day, if we think we're going to save the planet, by killing every moth we see or by, you know, trying to take action, and put our energy into that we're not going to be able to, we really need to go back to learning, connecting with who we are, and becoming again, that more expanded version of ourselves, the multi dimensional version of ourselves and then we're going to turn this thing off like that.