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Mid-April Energy Update

Soulwork Method

Hello beautiful souls. April's been quite an amazing month. I hope you all have been taking in as much of the energies as you can and making the most of it. So I wanted to do a mid month Energy Update, because I feel like there's just so much happening all the time now.

Did you miss our Spring Equinox Activation? Watch it here

Everything is so accelerated, the timelines are so accelerated, the shifts are happening very, very quickly. One thing that I've noticed is that you still can have old soul contracts with people, whether there agreements, with family members, with friends, or with random strangers. They're happening very quickly now. You may find you meet somebody randomly and it may feel really exciting. It may be someone that you're going to have a friendship with, it may be someone that you feel a romantic connection with. All of a sudden, within like a week, it will feel like a whirlwind, where things really get exciting. You may feel like there's potential happening in this connection, and then it’s done!

So these kinds of contracts are coming our way faster. The universe, our higher selves, or our divine souls are finding ways for us to meet each other, to tie up those loose ends. Even if you do feel disappointed, even if it's someone you are meeting as a friendship, or someone you're meeting that you think you might even be doing business with, these connections can be coming at you from many different angles. All of a sudden, there's all this potential, and then it just falls apart or the business contracts, something happens, and it just falls apart.

There can be moments of disappointment. But just know that even those kinds of moments where you're feeling down or feeling disappointed, they will also work through quickly, you won't be stuck in that state for as long as you might have in the past. So everything is getting accelerated. Some of these old soul contracts that are coming up, can seem really important (from a romantic or platonic relationship level). So just know that's what it is, and you haven't done anything wrong as to why this didn't work out.

So I really wanted to share that with you. I think a lot of people are going through that. I've had clients talk to me about that kind of stuff. For those of you who don't know me, my name is Ravinder. I'm the founder of the Soulwork Method. There's a lot of material and courses on my website that will really support you in your journey.

So the other thing that's really happening right now, and I'm sure everybody's noticing it, the old world is trying to accelerate things. The new world is emerging, very, very nicely. Energetically, we're seeing so many changes, right? There was that big spiral that showed up in Alaska recently, just a few days ago. It was like a portal that is giving us access, again, to higher levels of energy to let us rise up to a higher dimension. So we can even connect energetically with that portal and see how it feels for us. Don't play with it too much just yet. But just knowing that it's there, starting to have a connection with it will be a good thing. There's going to be more of that happening. These anomalies starting to show up for us, that are going to be very, very exciting. They're going to show us that, hey, we're on the right path, and we're heading in the direction that we really, really want to go in. At the same time the old Earth is trying to do what it needs to and for those who still want that experience they will continue to have that experience.

More and more people will be leaving your life in sort of a very organic way. I'm not talking about the people that are transitioning off of this planet, I'm just talking about people that you've known will continue to move out of your life. And you again, will find that some times, new people will show up for you, who may still be operating from that old planet, but they are ready to go to the new planet, they may not know it yet. They know it subconsciously. So they may actually come into your life for maybe even brief periods of time so that there can be an exchange of codes. You can be their activator for that level that they're currently looking for. Those kinds of things also are happening and those kinds of things are also happening that may seem like some of these soul contracts that are coming up.

It may just be a soul contract, where you two decided to meet at this particular time, this particular point on this timeline, to help awaken something in that other person. You know, something simple as asking permission to meditate. It may just be that as you're having that conversation or exchange, you've just downloaded to them a huge packet of codes they can then start to play with to help them on their journey.

Everyone's at a different place. Some people are the primary pioneering or first waivers, the second waivers. The second waivers are now starting to help the third wavers. We really want to stay away from any of the polarity or division that was happening. There are many, many people who have chosen to still play in the old system, play in that old paradigm, because they needed to reach a saturation point, and needed to be part of the matrix for now, and are now starting to get ready to come out of it. But not in that very conscious, aware way. So it's going to be exciting to see how some of the people that are coming through on the third wave, how they start to open up and how they start to go through their journey. A lot of their journey is going to be really, really fast.

So much of the groundwork has been done by the first wavers. It's been brutal and at times, gruelling. As the first wavers, kudos to you all, my heart goes out to you for all the courage, the bravery and the commitment. It's made it easier for the second wavers. And then the second wavers are making it that much easier for the third wavers. So just know that all of that is happening right now. All these codes are still coming in, in a monumental way. You don't even have to be actively aware of sitting with them anymore. They're just so strong, they're coming in anyway. But you will notice that when you do sit with them and actively open yourself to receiving them it's really powerful.

Some amazing shifts are happening physically. You will feel shifts happening very physically now as well as the energetics of it and the DNA codes coming online and everything else that we've talked about in the past. So I wanted to come here and share this with you. I was being pushed for the last couple of days to start making this video. So here it is, and I hope it helps you.

Thank you so much and much love from my heart to yours.



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