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It's all about Microcurrents

Soulwork Method

It's all about microcurrent. When we're receiving energy from the codes coming in, and they upgrade us, we then start to omit certain energies and really add to our energy fields as they're changing our bodies.

When we keep our energy high, keep our vibration high, we are emitting that microcurrent for miles, not just a couple of inches. This is why some people end up living in very dense areas, because their energy is needed to anchor in the grid of the higher vibrations in those areas.

When somebody is maybe not yet in a good place, or they're going through stuff, and this will vary, if you're already working on raising your vibration, and you're just hitting one of those roller coaster moments where you're releasing stuff, your microcurrent will still be a lot higher than somebody who is still very much in the 3D reality of the the chaos around them, and believing the fears and the fear mongering. So they're going to be releasing a different microcurrent. That microcurrent is going to be one that lowers the vibration, and it creates more of that fear based vibration in the collective.

You can also end up absorbing that energy when you're a sensitive person. Instead of transmitting, you end up absorbing. So you can be that and not even realize it except when you come home after being in a grocery store and you feel drained. How many people feel that way, these days, sometimes just even going grocery shopping, and afterwards, you feel drained? So you can be someone who is absorbing the energy, or you can be someone who is transmitting the energy, it is something that we can very consciously choose to do.

We can become the person who is just being that transmitter and allowing your energy to be what somebody else is picking up on. As you do that, and your energy is coming out, it's a microcurrent. And it's actual electricity, it’s microkernels cycle per second, so that when somebody else absorbs it, they're fear based. It can actually be transmuted, and they can also go into the mode of raising their vibration and levelling up closer to where you are. Or you can take the energy and you bring it back up into a higher frequency, maybe a love frequency or if anything, you know, a more of a neutral frequency.

This is how we're all going to become beacons of light, beacons and transmitters of these microcurrents, because we are going to be anchoring these energies in and this is one of the ways that we anchor this energy into the collective. We can anchor this energy into the gridlines down into Gaia. In terms of our everyday world this is how we anchor that energy in.



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