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Is it really ending?...

Soulwork Method

At this moment in time the energies are peaking. The light codes are expanding at a level that would have blown our bodies to smithereens 3 years ago. And now we can take this level of frequency in and have it work on us in the transformational way it needs to.

Many are feeling tired and worn out. Holding space during these past few years with the idea that it will turn around soon has left many with the fatigue of expecting things to change when signs show they might be, but another part of us worries that this is yet another trick.

This current holding space is bringing such transformation and expansion. And now as the holding space starts to shift to a more active space, it is bringing excitement and strength back into us like a life force. Do we trust this shift or is it another manipulation tactic? This is up to us to decide, remember nothing can happen if we do not comply.

Another part of the confusion, is that for many of us, a big part of the aspect of our soul that we normally embody has left for an upgrade. That can leave us feeling “off”, throwing our usual intuition and guidance out the window and leaving a vacant feeling inside. The upgrades can go on for weeks or months depending on the individual. Once that aspect of the soul is back, the changes will be felt in personality, habits shifting or change in perspective. CONFIDENCE of knowing who you are is especially going to be coming in.

The other part of the holding space brings up the following questions and feelings:

How long do we have to hold on for? How long will this go on? I'm tired. I'm tired of waiting. And this has led to the momentum behind the current shift we are seeing in the population. The people who are tired and want things to change are speaking up in droves.

The answers to the questions above vary according to the moment and the individual asking. This will go on for as long as you need it to shift you. And for those that have shifted, things are changing quickly in their areas of the world.

On another level, for the system at large to shift to a more 5D type living may take some time. For some, they have already left the system and created their own bubble of the New Earth 20 years ago. For others, it was 5 years ago. They are living with very little most of them and yet all that is needed is provided. Not all that is wanted, but all that is needed. And the needs are very little it turns out. Their personal belongings can fit in a car or a backpack in some cases. But most importantly, they feel so free, the freedom of being liberated from the shackles of the system. This freedom has created waves of expansion in leaps and bounds, accelerated their journey as the letting go by the ego mind’s stories of whothey are based on their level of material wealth has completely left them. They are already creating the world that they want through living in a flow.

They are free to be their unique Devine selves.

This level of expansion used to only be achieved by monks who had meditated in ashrams for decades. And now it can be available to us in no time, a blip in time.

I encourage us all to explore what areas we are still holding on to. I for one have been struggling with one area for sure.

Ask the important questions:

Why am I holding on to this?

Who would I be without this?

What fears does this bring up?

Explore the possibility of each of those fears and see what is at the end of those rabbit holes. See the fear playing out and stillpoint the energy around it to free yourself of them.

And then start focusing your energy towards creating!!

What do I want to create in my life?

What is inspiring me? (inspirations come quickly and leave quickly these days so write them down!)

What do I want to envision for my future? For humanity's future?


And then get ready to welcome in the upgraded and expanded version of YOU! The DEVINE BEING that you are!

Much love and blessings,




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