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Is it ok to be different?

Soulwork Method

As a parent, if you look at the bigger picture, (I'm gonna go really big picture here) if a child is meant to (as a soul) say, I'm only here till the age of four, and then leave, right? They could leave, by several different means. They could use a car accident, they could use a type of cancer, they could use all different kinds of means to be able to exit the planet. They were only here, for a very short experience, they may have only been here to help mom or dad learn something.

There's one of you on this call where we've talked about this where a child came in, specifically to open a parents heart, a parent whose heart was very, very, very closed, and frozen, right. This child was born into that family, specifically to create that kind of bond with that parent, to have that kind of healing of opening a heart, and they had that soul agreement to do so. Then by the age of two and a half, all of a sudden diagnosed with a really intense type of cancer. Within another year or two, that child left.

From a 3D perspective, it's like, oh, my gosh, the loss and the void that we feel as a human is huge. And the grief right, as a parent is huge. Yet, they have a soul agreement to do this. This person's heart did open, and did soften them, it did make them more vulnerable tears for someone who wasn't able to cry before, who had to be the tough person.

Then sometimes the child even comes back, and you know, they get pregnant again. Sometimes that soul comes back in the form of another child. Okay, so if we look at it from a bigger perspective, there's a huge program on this planet of needing to belong, and to conform from the inverted matrix, right? There's a huge program of fitting in for kids in school, it gets so ingrained, if you don't wear the right clothes, or the right running shoes, or carrying the right phone, you know, there are so many little things that make kids feel inferior.

Sometimes I feel like the worst thing a parent can do is help a child feel like they can belong by doing those programs, right? Sometimes the best thing you can do for a child is to allow them to have the experience of what it feels like to not belong. Because it's those children that when they grow up, are able to think outside the box.



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