How do we keep ourselves positive?
Morale booster?
Those were words that came up during our Weekly Soulworks gathering with the potential start of the convoy. We discussed what had helped keep us going up to that point? What could keep our spirits boosted?
Someone mentioned they were “feeling threadbare, and like an empty shell” and these feelings resonated unanimously in our group. January was certainly a tough month, the energies became incredibly heavy and hope had faded. The end of January and beginning of February brought in a sudden burst of light codes that peaked on 2/2/22. These codes brought back the lightness and the spark of vitality that we so needed. Souls who had left for upgrades returned making us feel more whole again. And the simultaneous beginnings of the world waking up to take back their ownership of rights and freedoms began.
That simultaneous awakening inspired the truckers to take action in Canada.
I felt the energetic strength increase as these truckers drove along the course of powerful lay lines , acting as the seeding in the capital for the crystallization of a global movement. The crystallization of the human collective’s desire to live free and joy filled lives again.
The love and joy was palpable from the truck drivers and families participating in the movement through the multitude of videos and livestreams.
Tears of relief flowed freely from the burly truck drivers and the people who joined them as they shared their struggles, loss of loved ones who committed suicide and loss of hope. Tears releasing the fear, depression, anxiety and the feelings of isolation. Feeling so alone in holding a different viewpoint than the mainstream narrative and many of their friends and family members. The rest of us who couldn’t be there watched the videos and livestreams and cried along with them.
As I watched this movement unfold, I also observed my own emotions. Initially there was excitement and the morale boost of knowing so many fellow Canadians and people from around the world felt the same way. It was so heartwarming to watch as the movement grew to other countries. As the days continued, I observed myself feeling apprehensive when I went to find out how things were going. There was a knot in my stomach as I clicked on the current day’s livestream videos and posts waiting to see if things were turning sour. I saw the media going overboard with a few incidents and trying to paint the whole movement in a negative light and I continued to watch and wait apprehensively to see if or when the movement would be shut down.
I sat with my feelings as I saw how easy it was to be swayed into worry. As I meditated on this, I asked my higher self and guides about how to deal with it. And the answer came very quickly…”Take charge!” they said in that firm voice. “Take charge!” they repeated and then they brought a strength into my power center. Take charge of your emotions is what they were trying to stay, take charge of your internal compass and anchor it. Don’t let your emotions make you rudderless and sway from excitement into fear and worry. Take charge and galvanize your inner belief within your power center and holding this state of being will allow this movement to continue to grow regardless of what happens with the truckers. Take charge of your own inner compass that “YES!” “This IS going to end with all of us getting our freedoms back, getting ownership and guardianship of the entire planet back in a way we haven’t had!” Take charge of how you are steering your thoughts and beliefs around this so that you can/we can use our creator force energy in creating the outcome that is for the highest best for us.
During our weekly gathering, several people echoed the same sentiments of the convoy possibly folding under pressure. And with that sentiment came the feeling that, even if the trucker’s movement gets sabotaged many others are holding the line now. This was reassuring to all of us, however I could feel a certain level of apprehension in all wondering what would happen and when.
I shared the guidance of taking charge and how important it was for all of us to anchor our power center into that energy of taking charge now. That as creator beings we are responsible for the creation of outcomes with the way we hold space for things. That the worry of things falling apart would create just that, things falling apart. Regardless of how long this takes or what needs to be done in terms of taking action we first and foremost need to learn to take charge of our emotions and thoughts and anchor them in the trajectory we want our world and lives to be. Taking control of that rudderless ship so that the incoming swells do not sway it in whatever direction they want. Our emotional control and focus is so important. We took part in a guided process to galvanize that power center within. I recommend that we all do the same on an ongoing basis.
Much love and blessings to all,