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Changing of the Guard - Discernment for the new AI Agenda

Soulwork Method

Up until very recently, this planet was run by the Draco Reptilians. They were the ones that were in charge. They worked through a lot of the elite families on this planet. Through those bloodlines, you know, the UK royal family and the Medici families and all these families. Some of them you've never even heard of, but they're the ones that work behind the scenes.

Then these government officials or people who act like philanthropists, they're just the puppets of these families. And then these families are the puppets of the Draco Reptilians. So what happened was, when the Draco' shut the moon off, it was the moment where the Draco Reptilians are saying we're no longer going to be the ones running this planet. We were given the idea that it's time now for the New Earth to really happen on this planet, because they're given up control. What many of us didn't realize is it actually meant that no, there's just a guard change, it's gone from one type of control to yet another. It's gone from that to those entities or beings that are running the AI agenda.

When the Queen died, I mean, she'd already died way before that. The fact that they announced it, when they did they always wait and announce these things in a way that works for them. So when that was announced, it was sort of a way of saying ‘we are officially taking our worst, we're really extricating ourselves out of this, we're going to take ourselves off the control process and now the AI stuff is going to be coming in more and more. That cyber technology and the agenda to, you know, make humans more of a hybrid of human and AI.’

So that is what happened on that level on the planet. The reason why I'm sharing that, is because we're gonna see more and more of some of these people falling, and some of these people resigning, and it's gonna give us hope that things are really changing. But what I want us to all do instead is, stay in that discernment of what is the AI now doing? Okay? Still stay with your intention and desire of what you're creating here, but also have the discernment of seeing what the AI agenda is now doing. How is that operating? So that you cannot get caught off guard and make you feel like things are really shifting, things are really changing and give you that hope.

Now this is going to go in the direction that I was hoping for, okay. You'll throw off your caution, you know, your sort of discernment process because you feel like you won't need it as much, right? What I'm saying is, just know that when the narrative is going to start to shift to making it look like things are being done for our well being again and for the planet again. But again, it's going to be another new system coming in with all of that other kinds of technology coming in. So just staying, just knowing that's what is going to be happening and that's how it's going to be playing out because it can start to make people feel like ‘oh, we're free now and I don't have to sort of do anything on that end. I can just be free of it all.’



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