Updates from the Weekly Soulwork
Last week's Weekly Soulwork, we worked a lot on the technologies that are in our physical body. There are some very advanced technologies in our systems that are designed to bring us back into states of self repair, self healing, and self nourishing.
AI technologies
There are a lot of AI technologies that are in place and have been for a long time, have increased over time with the use of computers and the internet. AI technologies have certainly increased, some of them are in the form of implants, some of them are in the form of almost like computer viruses, but in our system. We are now at a place where they're a lot more recognizable. They're a lot easier to see how they hook into some of our own ego mind programming, and how they then start to operate and get turned on by some of our own ego mind programming.
We've been delving into starting to unwind them and basically unravel them out of our systems. It's a very interesting time. See if you notice anything like that in your system. Because the technologies are very active, and they're becoming even more so especially now with the types of and the level of interaction we have with computers and internet in our day to day. It has definitely increased more and more and they're being used more and more for some very interesting nefarious purposes. Know that they're there, know that it's there, ready to be cleared for those who know how to do that kind of work. I wanted to bring it to your attention so that you can look at it for yourselves. We're definitely going to be continuing that work in our weekly sessions.
Turning the energies back on
I started doing some activations, some transmissions that allow those energies to come back on, to activate again, and to integrate back in to the different systems that they were originally working with, from our original divine blueprint. We will together, start to work on them on connecting with the upgrades in our original divine blueprint. So it's really, really exciting.
If any of you are called to do this work, please do join us Weekly Soulwork
Thank you, much love to you all.