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A Reflection of the Human Collective

Soulwork Method

With the planetary mother, she is an aspect of consciousness. There's many different realities of the planets. For some people, they're in that reality of the dome, where they just see it as a flat earth. There's also even an AI consciousness of the planet, which we really want to make sure we don't tap into. The word Gaia, sometimes depending on what you are tapping into, just even using that word, sometimes you can be tapping into the AI version, okay, so just something to be conscious of.

Now from the planetary mother, she is a reflection of the human collective. We all carry our own fractal, from our own experiences of that collective. So if you've had a lot of trauma in your childhood, see that trauma word keeps coming up, then your experience is going to be a reflection back from the planetary mother, but that's the aspect of you that needs healing.

If you are someone who is carrying some codes of the indigenous worlds, some of the wisdom from the indigenous worlds, then when you connect with a planetary Mother, you are going to get some of that indigenous wisdom showing up from her. Everybody is going to have the exact experience that they need as a reflection from the planetary mother. She basically has been holding all of this.

I know, someone was saying, ‘oh, you know, she needs our help, or she needs saving.’ I'd said that is the reflection within you of the little girl within you, that needs your help and needs that experience transmitted and process, she doesn't need our help. Nobody here needs saving, okay, saving is a victim consciousness. Saving means that you go into saviour mode, the saviour complex, that's all part of the inverted matrix. We are not here to save anybody. We are not here to need saving, okay. But what she is doing is being a reflection back to you, of the aspect of you that needs processing that needs transmutation/transformation.

The other thing that will happen as you connect with her, you are going to feel a level of being at home, within yourself, when you connect with her, okay? It's like coming back home and it's like saying ‘hey, we're leaving the aspects of the matrix that are still out of balance, and we are reconnecting with the organic, which is what we came here to connect with.’ It really creates a feeling of safety within and peace as you connect with her, so this is going to be a part of our grounding, going forward. This is going to be a part of our way to ground.

At any time, if you’re feeling that despair or feeling anything, just continue grounding with planetary mother, and you will start to feel more and more safe. What's really happening here is the trauma that I've talked about that we all need to process. As we connect with her, it starts to automatically clear and our nervous system calms down. That is how we know that we are still in a state of trauma, or unresolved trauma is when the nervous system acts up and you feel that internal shake or the anxiety or the panic. So as you connect with her, it's very, very healing for both. We are helping her

The reflection you're getting back from the planetary mother is going to continually change, which is so cool. Someone mentioned the other day, a little girl who was crying and was needing help, which is her own stuff, to then feeling empowered to then feeling a whole other level of being inside you. As we connect in and feel that feeling of home, and we connect in, our nervous system starts to really calm down, then we can start to also bring in the elementals more, and the elementals are like, as we've started connecting with the trees, we're going to connect with the elementals of water, we're going to connect with the elementals of different aspects of nature.

We are going to really learn how to be one with the organic structure of this planet, okay, because the trees, the flowers, the insects, they're all made out of the same material that our physical bodies are made out of. They've all been waiting very patiently for us to finally wake up again from our haze and join with them, again, so that we can go back to that union of love with all of them. Once we start to really cooperate together again, the trees will teach us the flowers will teach us, the bees will teach us and just like, you know, the storm warning, right, we're going to get all of that kind of stuff, again, we're going to be able to work with nature, they are so ready to support us in our growth, as much as they are also growing and changing.

As the light codes come in, it's increasing and upgrading the consciousness of everything on the planet. Within the organic blueprint, nobody needed to kill other beings for survival, right? In the organic blueprint we lived a lot on prana whether we were a lion, or whether we were a bee, or whether we were a human. We didn't need physical food for survival. So as we connect back in with everything, we're going to create a 5D force on the planet that is so strong and so powerful, that it's going to be amazing. And then once we've done that, the Inner Earth will be able to say, ‘okay, they're ready for us now.’ It'll be a much more palpable connection with Inner Earth.

Everybody is waiting patiently for all of us to come together to merge as one to work together so that the collective co-creation that we came here to become, can communicate with the animals you can communicate with the insects and there's a loving co-creative communion with it for all of us. The plants will start to say ‘hey, you guys still need to eat us, so then plant us here. We need this kind of nutrition for our soil. We need this kind of atmosphere.’ It just becomes a different harmony.



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