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A Message For Our Dearest Beloved Little Human...

Soulwork Method

What is the purpose of being here when one feels so tired and exhausted on this journey of being human. The spirit grows weary with the strain and stamina that has been required of all of us to carry this moment of chaos and negative agendas, to hold the light for this time. We knew it was coming even if not necessarily on a conscious level, we all knew It was coming at an unconscious one. We all have been preparing for this time in this life and in many many past ones.

And now the little human grows weary of this endurance game. When will it end? At times it feels like things are shifting and then in a moment’s notice, bam it becomes intense again. The unfolding of the plan of our team players to try their best to create as much of a separation between the peoples, to create as much separation between a person and their own soul continues. We wonder how much longer can this play out? When will people wake up and see what is happening? How bad is it going to get?

The level of anxiety, fear and trauma that is being triggered over the slow and steady taking away of freedoms, right to liberty, human rights, the Nuremberg code has taken its toll on people. The isolation from loved ones, being made to feel like a pariah by friends, family or work colleagues has been a process to behold. Initially it created great opportunities to process triggers and over time the isolation plays on the psyche as the split in what timeline trajectory is being chosen is becoming more concrete and these loved ones distance themselves further.

It is EXACTLY at this time where some of the biggest changes within happen. The changes or pivots of becoming that much more aligned with your higher consciousness and spirit. The illusions or delusions that some had purported that this was going to be a fun and smooth transition have not yet occurred. And for a very good reason. The little human has been programmed to believe that someone will come and do the saving, the rescuing. We’ve been programmed from a very young age to believe in a knight in shining armour that rescues and whisks away the damsel in distress or the hero that comes in and saves the people. As we get older, movies always show us a happy ending, that someone or something always scoops in at the last minute and saves the poor victimized people and everyone lives happily ever after.

What this has done in many is create a state of waiting with the excitement of the happy ending, waiting for that government leader to come and set things straight, waiting for others to see through the veil so that we can come out of this current state of affairs. Waiting for that happy ending. We are now in a state of being tired of waiting and not knowing what will happen in the end. For some questioning what it all means, questioning what the point of it all is, and what the point of being here is anymore.

And this state is a very important one in the evolution and transformation of our little human. This state of no longer feeling trust in what the outcome is or knowing anything anymore allows us to let go of even more ego programming. The rescue program, the victimized people who need a hero program.

What it does do is give each of us the opportunity to go even deeper within. As we question our very existence and purpose amongst the weary and deflated state we can find that place within of deep deep inner resilience. The stamina and strength that came from all of our ancestors, of the human race. The fortitude they developed and the prevailing human spirit despite all odds. We’ve all read parts of human history and know of the struggles and trauma throughout time experienced by humanity.

So now is the time to go within and find that piece of gold we have been gifting ourselves throughout humanity. You yourself may have been a freedom fighter in another era and have added to the resilience of humanity. Or you may have been on a mission of sharing love and spirituality knowing that you would be caught and tortured to death and have added to the resilience of humanity. You and I are at once our ancestors and our current day humans. You’ve already been there, experienced much and chose to come here at this time to do more. You are the hero.

That special place of resilience when accessed is also so important in that it allows us to integrate into a fuller level of maturity and wisdom in our little human form. AS our little human expands then we can integrate even more into our multi-dimensional human.

The deep strength and inner reserve we all carry needs to be fully integrated now and in doing so will allow us to access our light further, transmute our DNA further in this ever-evolving state we are in. This is the next step of Ascension.

With much love and blessings,




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